Are you looking for some marketing tips to help spread the word about your business? Are you looking for some ideas that will actually guarantee you gigs? Well I have three ideas for you!
1. Make and wear your own t-shirt with your business name and logo on the back
If you wear a simple white tee with your business info on the back and you walk around outside all day, you will find people interested in your business. You should walk around in busy malls, stores, you should definitely embrace long line ups cause there’s going to be people behind you reading your shirt to pass time, wait at bus stops standing up and the same thing while on the bus, wear your shirt at the beach and virtually anywhere that’s busy, you should be walking.
2. Rent ad space on a bus
Buses travel everywhere across a single region and hit a lot of targeted areas on your marketing list. They travel through highly trafficked areas promoting your brand or business in front of drivers, passengers and pedestrians. It's a great investment.
3. Post flyers everywhere
Keep this in mind when you're having second thoughts about posting flyers. The more people see your ad, the more they trust it. When people become familiar with a brand simply by seeing it everyday, it builds trust. So by posting your ad in areas where people frequently wait for the bus, or other popular destinations, you'll help to establish your brand or business into something people can trust.