motion picture

Helpful Tips For Your Motion Picture Film

Do you like to film stuff? Are you good at filming stuff?

If you said yes, then please read on. You'll find this tutorial to be helpful and inspiring. So grab your DSLR and your tripod/monopod (or steadicam) and have it ready. Because at the end of this post, you'll be planning and going out to shoot your own motion picture film you can show off to your friends and family.

Before we start, we should talk about your theme of choice. Are you looking to do funny, scary, sad, adventurous? Do you want to send out a message at the end? Whatever you decide, you need to make the necessary planning to achieve the look and feel of what you're looking for.

In order for your film to work out, you need a very solid plan and schedule. Take the time to properly plan your entire production. It will save you time, energy and money. Speaking on the topic of money, it's a good idea to set up a budget if you do plan to spend. Typically, budgets are fixed amounts. Too often things can get over-budget very quickly, so plan ahead. 

There will be some challenges with this movie but once you're finished with it, a flood of nice emotions will lighten you up! 

Before we begin, get paper ready so you can write your ideas as you read.

1. Film it slow.

It sounds unusual, yes. But there is an explanation. Filming a scene slowly grabs as much details from the scene as possible. It also creates a less confusing and rushed atmosphere. 

The best way to film something slowly is to use a steadicam. It will glide your camera smoothly across your scene. If you don't have a steadicam, you can build one yourself. I have posted 2 of my favourite Youtube diy steadicam tutorials below. 

2. Give it the Cinematic Look

Cinematic looks are much warmer and deeper. It makes it look less "filmed straight out of camera" to a more intense experience. 

Just as important, you should change the aspect ratio. Change your composition to 1920 x 800. Click on the links below for more details. And go here to read about it.

3. Keep Dialogue to Minimum.

Words will carry more weight when actors/actresses speak less. Of course that doesn't mean you have to turn this into a silent movie, your characters can talk. Personally, I just think you can absorb a lot more information from a scene when less is spoken.

Well that's it for tips

I had fun writing about this topic and I hope you took something away from this to help you create your movie. Now, all you have to do is plan out what you want and how you want it filmed. Work really hard to plan it out and make that schedule. Work hard and have fun.