Ever wonder how they get those different shapes in the blurry background of a picture? Well, I know how! It's pretty simple to do and you'll find yourself taking pictures of everything with a light source!
To create customized bokeh shapes like this, you'll need very few supplies and some creativity!
Things you'll need
- Black construction Paper
- Scissors (for nails)
- Tape
- Pen
- Lowest Aperture Lens you own
The first thing you'll need to do is trace the outline of your lens on black construction paper.
Next, choose a design or shape to draw in the middle. In this case, I choose a heart.
Using your scissors, cut your circle. To make cutting your heart easier, bend or pinch the middle of your heart and cut with scissors
Once all of that is complete, you simply tape your new "paper filter" on your lens. Now turn on your camera to the setting you're most comfortable with. It's really important to use a lens with a very small aperture, an example is the 50mm 1.8. Working with a smaller aperture allows for a more "blurry" background, which will play nicely with this project. Play around with the focus to achieve a more tight or loose bokeh. And there you have it! It's really that simple! Here are some of my own pictures I took!
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This was my attempt at making 2015. It didn't turn out too bad
Pretty little hearts
Thank you for reading and learning! This project was fun and everyone that I showed this to was so amazed with it, even though it was the simplest thing to make! Now it's your turn to have fun, get creative and show off your new pictures to your friends and family!